Invasion of the ID Snatchers
It's hard to take this banner ad seriously, I mean, with the kooky art direction and all. It's probably not even somber enough to classify as scarevertising. But it found it's way into my Hotmail account, so I shall proceed with commentary.
I don't consider myself naive, especially when it comes to marketing tactics. In this case, I was led to believe I could actually "avoid the identity snatchers". I've been doing it all my life with real credit cards, so how could I not beat this banner game. I saw the credit card enticing me, and truly believed, "I can make it past those 12 grabby hands". Easy enough, right?
Wrong. The second I clicked on the card, the message revealed "The thieves got you!", and I was redirected to Indentity Guard's website. Wah, wah, waaaaaah!
You got me banner advertisement. You got me real good.